
Testimonials for the services provided by Mary Martinez and her team of carers at Casa Maria and Court Lodge.

Our daughter continues to thrive at Court Lodge where she has been a resident since 2016.
The attention Z is given by the staff has reaped rewards; her understanding is noticeably improving each time we see her. She is encouraged to carry out small tasks and seems to be very pleased with herself when these are achieved.
24th September 2023 ~ (Mr and Mrs P, Parents)

T continues to be very happy and contented living at Court Lodge. She receives excellent support from staff, gets on very well with fellow services users, and happy to maintain her independence. She continues to enjoy a very busy active social and work life with a good work/life balance, engages in her daily exercises, walks, works at Nandos on Tuesdays and Sundays, attends Church, Gym and Swimming, Cycling, and Club (Ashtead) etc.
I visit T regularly at Court Lodge and take out as normal, with no restrictions, and bring her home to spend time with me as often as possible, take holidays together to various holiday destinations, and visit her sister who lives in Switzerland.
I am very happy with all the care and support that T receives at Court Lodge where she is very happy and settled. I again rate Court Lodge very highly, and very happy to award maximum points in all aspects.
25th September 2023 (Mr M, Parent)

Cannot praise Court Lodge enough…….
A supportive and caring environment where I have seen N flourish over the years. Court Lodge meets all of her needs and it is apparent just how happy she is there. Thank you everyone.
20th September 2023 (Mrs B, Friend)

Writing as the cousin and next-of-kin of my relative who has resided in Casa Maria since 2008, I should like to say that she has been very well looked after during all that time.
Mary Martinez, as head of the caring team, has gone beyond the call of duty to take excellent care of my cousin, especially during the pandemic and during this last year or so. As my relative becomes older, inevitably there will be further demands on staff and she has had significant health problems since the summer of 2022. Changes have had to be made to day to day care and there has been a need for my relative to be admitted to hospital.
Mary and her team have never hesitated to support my relative throughout and in turn, she loves them all dearly.
Mrs BC (cousin) – September 2023

I am pleased to be asked about my experience of knowing someone living at Court Lodge.
This person is not able to say for themselves how they feel about things, but her family and I are able to deduce her feelings and level of comfort with her support and surroundings by observing her behaviour and interaction with us and those around her. She has lived a troubled life, or rather she did until moving to Court Lodge. Her family and I can clearly see that she is happier, better understood and valued, and more settled than she has been at any previous time in her adult life. It is a testament to the care team and their skill and kindness that this person is living the happy and full life that they are now - things for her have never been better.
Ms LM (friend) – September 2023